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Lavender Water
100% Natural and Pure Lavender Water

Lavender Water

Weight Price Sale Price Add to Cart
100ml./ 3.520oz $45.21 $33.00
250ml./ 8.799oz $56.16 $41.00
500ml./ 17.598oz $72.60 $53.00
1000ml./ 35.195oz $126.03 $92.00

Sale Price 100ML: $33.00

Lavender Water

Botanical Name:

Lavendula angustofolia

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Botanical NameLavendula angustofolia
Method of ExtractionHydro distillation method is used to extract this water.
Part Of Plant Used

Flowers of lavender are used for the extraction of this oil.

OriginCanada is known to be the origin of this oil.

Use it to induce good sleep at night. Its fragrance is very soothing and has calming effects on mind.

Strength & Aromatic scent

This water has got sweet, pleasant and soothing fragrance.


Lavender water is usually colorless.

Blends Well With

It mixes very well with sandalwood, jojoba, ylang ylang and few other essential oils.


It has been in use to repel insects from foods and helps in protecting the pets from fleas too.


 The lavender water is completely non toxic and non sensitizing.

  • Product Description

Lavender water is basically extracted through the process of hydro distillation from the flowers of lavender. It is actually a scent that comprises of the alcoholic solution of its oil. The chemical constituents of this essential precisely include caryophyllene, cis-ocimene, trans-ocimene, a-pinene, camphor and few others. This perfumed water has got various uses in day to day life like in ironing, insect repellant, pet wash, antiseptic etc. It is even used for the cosmetic purposes.

  • Uses

Ironing: - Lavender water is used in the ironing of clothes. One can use sprinkle few drops of this perfumed water on the clothes while ironing to give a fresh and captivating fragrance to the clothes. Not just the fragrance but, it also increases the life of delicate fabric like linen. Use it and feel the difference in your clothes yourself.

Insect repellant: - This perfumed water is a considered to be a great insect repellant. You can just spray the lavender water around the food area in order to keep the flies away. It can also be sprayed around the plants so that, the aphids and bugs can be controlled up to a great level. Use it without keeping any second thoughts.

Sleep disorders: - Use it to get a sound and restful sleep. You can just spray it near your bed area in turn; the soothing and calming fragrance of it will induce peaceful and calm sleep. People who are not able to sleep properly can make use of this perfume water and get a peace of mind.

Antiseptic: - It can be used on the wounds to prevent infection. You can cleanse the scrapes and cuts using this perfumed water so that, the infection can be prevented. Using this water will be the best option to heal your wound, scrape or any severe cut easily and very quickly. Even the doctors suggest to use it to heal the wounds.

  • Reviews

Lavender water for ironing
I use it when I am ironing the clothes. It actually gives a very nice fragrance n the water as if you have sprayed perfume on it. It’s amazing!!

By Shelina★★★★★

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